girls i cannot thank you enough for all your beautiful thoughts, kind comments and emails. I will be back on December 1st and feeling much chirpier about all of this and it is THANKS to you guys!
From the bottom of my heart I LUV YA'S.
Hi my sweet friends.
Ive been going over some things in my head for a while now and this morning i woke up realising what i needed to do...and that is to take a blogging break.
Ive become very disillusioned with blogging lately. There are some people out there who just seem to delight in trying to upset others. To put it bluntly i am just fed up with the clickiness, the cattiness, the whole 'My blog gets 2oo visitors and yours only gets 10' thing. When i started blogging i had no idea it would become this mean competition that some people have turned it into.I just wanted to share my stories and my passions etc and make some gorgeous new friends along the way (which i can thankfully say i have done).
Personally i don't care how many people visit my blog, as long as my friends know I'm here for them and vice verse. I don't use my blog to try and benefit from other people, i don't leave insincere and false comments, which i see happening all the time within certain 'blog circles'. That's not what i signed up for, I'm not interested in such nonsense. I thought as we grew older and 'up' we would leave the nasty and petty school girl rubbish in the school yard where it belongs.....but it seems some people just cant let it go. My opinion? BUILD A BRIDGE AND GET OVER IT, life is just too darn short to bother with all that RUBBISH .
So I've had enough for a while. I may just need a break for a few weeks, it may be longer, i really don't know.
But to my friends, and that's YOU, who pop by often to see what I'm up to, i will say that NONE of this is directed at you or because of you. PLEASE KNOW THAT. I am also sorry i haven't been a very good blog visitor lately...its all just gotten too nasty for me.
PLUS , i have decided that while blogging is fun and i truly love my friends from all over the world, this is who's most important.
and I'm sure you all understand that.
This little guy goes to big school next year so i want all the time in the world with him now while i can.
I'll still be popping by occasionally to say hi on your blogs and see what you're up to, i just wont be posting.
Thanks for being there sweet lil chickies. Im sorry if ive struck a sour note with anyone but i just had to have my say. Those that know me will understand.
Okies, im off and i WILL see you again, down the road a bit.
It is a juggling act and when it takes time away from your kiddos it is about priority and balance.
See you when you are back and refreshed
Gosh, I am so sorry Shannon :( I hope you come back soon and don't let the few ruin the great things you do. I haven't seen this, but I haven't been blogging much lately for health reasons. Give that sweet guy a hug from Miss Rhea in the USA :) Please keep in touch , sweet girl !! :) Hugs,
you do what you feel is best shan and sam is definitely a best.BUT dont let the few win over the best,there are a lot of genuine bloggers too who keep it real and you are one of them.I know the stuff you are talking about and i was never one of the IN crowd at high school or on blogging either.Thats what i do love about blogging that you meet some of the different wacky people who dont just put square pegs in round holes ,they also glitter em and show us on tehir blogs.Dont stay away too long we will miss your glittered pegs roo much lol.
Jules (a square peg for sure)
Hi Shannon,
I hear you girl and totally agree! Your son is the most important thing in your life and you should be spending each and every moment you can with him before he heads off to school. Once they get to school they seem to grow up so fast! I remember when Jake started school, it was so hard for me...Cane had to take the day off to make sure I was ok! lol. Anyway, I can look back and be happy within myself at how I spent Jakes time home with me and we both enjoyed each and every moments of it. Being a Mum is the most special thing you can have and you should embrace it with all you got!
Sorry about how you are feeling at the moment on the 'blogging thing' and look forward to you returning soon.
Take care,
Hi Shannon, I was sad to read this post. I am going to miss all of your wonderful twitterings about daily life and your Shabby creations. Please come back soon! Don't let those nasty people get to you. I know that is easier said than done...
Make the most of your time at home with Sam. It goes too fast. Master 6 will be in Grade 1 next year and I don't know where this year has gone..Have fun with each other and we'll see you back here refreshed and ready to strut your stuff again soon.
Lots of cyber hugs heading your way, Kathryn. XXX
HI Shann I totally get you, have a great break and spend lots of time with your son, it goes so quick.
Oh dear, I'll miss your posts but understand. Blogging takes a lot of time and LIFE gets the top priority! Pop in and visit my blog whenever you have a chance, and I'll look forward to visiting with you later.
I'm understanding you Shann!!
Seems to me the uneasiness (wasn't that a nice way of putting it) isn't just with blogging either, the whole overall internet scene.
You do what you think is best for you and enjoy your time with Sam.
We're all still here if you need us!
I hear you Shannon....I am also taking a bloggie break for some of the same reasons but mostly because Holidays are coming and I am STRESSED already!
Enjoy your down time and we will be here when you return~Have fun!
I am sorry some people have been nasty to you. Enjoy your break. I will be here when you decide to come back.
Hugs and Love
I follow your blog on my google reader and read it whenever you post, I don't comment a lot though, but just like to tell you I have enjoyed your blog and the things you have shared..
I totaly understand when family is the priorty...I hope you will be back soon..
Yake it easy chick, you know where we all are when you wanna visit!! Dont be a stranger though!!
OOPSS that's ment to say "Take" it easy!! :)
Hi Shannon, I'll miss reading your blog!! It's always a bright spot in my day when you post. I hope you do decide to come back, you will be so missed. Suzanne:)
Hey Shann,
I am so sorry you have been treated like this, I will never forget the support you & the other lovely ladies out there in blog land gave me when I was upset over a comment left for me. Enjoy your last few months at home with Sam, it really does go too fast before they go to school, & then even faster once they begin. I cannot beleive that Taska has just sat her year 10 exams & Dylan will be in year 3 next year, it just goes way too fast.
Sweetie I will really miss popping over & laughing until my tummy hurts, I really love reading your blog.
Ok that said please don't be a stranger, enjoy your time with Sam & if you don't post again before Christmas I wish you & your beautiful family the best Christmas ever.
Luv ya Sweet.
Lyn xoxox
Ooooohmygosh, Shan!!! I didn't realize you felt the clique-iness also. I do NOT let that keep me from blogging my heart out and trying to lift people up though, my little cherub!! I understand exactly what you mean. I've seen it also. Sad but I'm a happy person by nature and refuse to let a few get me down. I've not been in for a few day to read blogs much because of a router problem but I am devastated this has happened to you as you are one of the MOST FAVORITE of mine on the blogs, honey!! I'm being very sincere. Your site, items, home, pix are all just beautiful to me and I always feel lifted up when I view your blog. I'm truly sorry for you but I DO understand completely. Maybe we should all take a look at ourselves and see if we're the one who sprouts meanness. I know I've had a few bloggers come to me to vent and I simply tell them to ignore these people who think they're the "be all and end all"! Do NOT let them get to you. I only view positive blogs now. I do this for ME and to be creative and let you all look into my life and how I live and create and write. I will NEVER EVER quit blogging to satisfy these selfish ninnies! I do it for me and NO ONE else. Remember that, my sweet chick!!
Shannon.... seems you are speaking what a lot of others are feeling these days... sad that some make it so hard for others ... and at times its best to walk away for a while.. the pettiness ...jealousy ... it has no place in an area where people are trying to make friends... just remember this... your TRUE friends... we will be here when you get back... not to worry... take care of yourself and your son... #1 .... the rest will come when it supposed to
You will be missed ...
Hi Shann, What on earth has happened??? This all feels so wrong to me, don't let it get you down,there are so many people that go a little power crazy,and really they are not doing anything different or better than most of us, we all have families to worry about as well, perhaps they put their big heads before their family, thats how they have so much time to create mischief for others.I won't pretend to understand what goes on,but don't really want to.Just say get knotted and enjoy your break....Carilyn.
I did the same thing Shannon for quite a few months earlier this year and it did me the world of good. Now i am back and love blogging again (maybe a little too much he he he)because i dont feel like i owe anyone anything (I dont think i did then either) and i dont give a hoot if i get a comment or dont PLUS and i think this is kinda important that i have added quite a few different new (to me) people to my blogging list and am finding it just so refreshing to visit them and vice versa. They are not all into the shabby world and I love widening my circle in that way and am learning a lot too. I always LOVE hearing from you and love to read what you are up to and always get a sense of your real enthusiasm for life and every project you are involved in. I get so enthusiastic about things and its a great feeling to be able to share that but if it turns a bit yuck which from what you said something has happened then my inclination would be to pull back too. Anyway Shannon if you ever want to email me you are on my facebook so get in touch that way. Not that i check that thing often or really use it but stay in touch. Or maybe close your blog like Mandii & Katrina did but make sure you let me know so i can go on your list! Hugs, Mel xxx
oh...and i meant to say (gee i talk a lot) enjoy your precious time with Sam, especially this time before he goes to school, its really important as they grow up so darn fast. Mel xxx
I'm sorry to hear that.people can be such ( bs ) my Dad always said if you cant say something nice about someone than dont say anything and I think this applies to a few of the ladies out there.I will miss you and learning from you but I'm here if there is anything you need from me.Come back ya Glenda
Hi dear sweet Shannon,
I haven’t been blogging much as I spend my days with my dear Mom who is having health issues. I am so very sorry to hear that you have been going through so much with some people. You are just too sweet to receive this kind of behavior! I know it bothers you, but try not to let it get you down too much.
Yes sweetie, your dear little Sam is #1 and you will forever treasure all the times spent with him. They grow up much too fast!
I will miss you as your blog always brings me a smile and a chuckle and makes my day so much more brighter!
I want you to know that when I was going through a very sad time this past July, your kindness & sweetness that you gave to me is something I will never ever forget. You touched my heart more than you will ever know. You are not only very special to me, but to all of your dear friends!
Love you bunches…always!
Carol Anne
Dear Shannon,
Enjoy you blogging break and the time with Sam. He'll grow up so quick. Have fun getting him (and you) ready for 'big school'.
Sorry to hear about all the negativity and bitchiness out there. Some people never grow up, do they. I hope to see you back in blogland when you feel fresh and ready again.
XX andrea
I'm sorry you feel you have to have a break from blogging(but understand)I will miss hearing all your news and always enjoyed reading it.Please know that for every nasty horrible person out there,there are a dozen nice ones that do care.All the best for the time with your son.Hope to see you blogging again soon
Hi Shannon,
Wow your post really struck a cord with me.
I too joined the blogging community for an outlet & some 'me' time, whilst divulging in my passion for 'pretties'. And I have to say that I noticed some time ago a regular pattern appearing in some 'circles' (OMG I wish I could name names)~~(but I'm better that that!) You, like me can spot a fake 'comment' a mile away & that's when I started to 'visit' these people less frequently.
Take whatever time is needed sweet girl, you will be greatly missed by all of you 'real blogging friends' but I can see where you are comming from & the time with your son will pass so quickly. Cherish every minute ~even the bad ones (!), when the school routine kicks in you will proberly find you have a spare hour or two up your sleeve to fit in some blogging.
So until next time my friend, I bid you love & happiness.
Sarah xxx
Oh Shann, I will so miss your posts, but definitely understand. Time does go by so seems like it was just yesterday, my 2 kids were younger and now they're 20 and 18...yikes!
Don't let the bad guys get to you...we love you!
Hiya Shannon - i just read your update and will look forward to seeing you back on 1 December. As far as cliques or circles go i must walk around in an oblivious haze, but maybe thats a good thing hey? It just wouldnt be a blogging Christmas excite-fest without you. Mel xxx
YAY!!!! your coming back!!
Oh Shannon, I so hear you and I love all those wonderful things those girls have said to you and I so agree!
I can so understand your need for a break and I think you will feel relaxed and refreshed after a week or so and then of course there is the Christmas thing so close...perhaps we all need to have a little holiday...I know my house would be tidier if I did..or maybe not...Kiss Noises and hugs, Linda Lilly Cottage.
Isn't blogging suppose to be fun? I'm learning, laughing, crying and sharing and you were a BIG part of that. I'm sorry to see you go but glad your coming back.
I LOVE your blog.
Claudie from Canada
Shann, I am really sorry to hear this as you are someone I really enjoy visiting. I hope you will come back soon, but I do understand the need to take some time away, and absolutely understand you wanted to be with your little sweetheart Sam. I hope you keep creating. I still LOVE my cuppies. They are on my dining room table!
Good to see you are coming back soon, Christmas blogging would not be the same without you. I loved what you did last year and am looking forward to what you will do this year.
Take care
Hey good to see that you didn't make your blogging holiday a permanent one! I will be looking forward to seeing you back in December.
Take care,
Sarah xxx
Shannon, I am so sorry to hear that a sweet talented girl like you have to deal with stupid things like that!! I understand that you need a break. I'm taking a Blog break too.
Take care sweetie and don't be a stranger ~Hugs, Jannet
Anonymous has a point going private or emailing your friends would be a lot less dramatic Very attention seeking I`m leaving, within days I`m back
tsk tsk tsk
Malmsbury*cottage why dont you take your negative calma and go JUMP with it!!
TSK TSK to you!!
I hope your break allows you to to spend time with family and friends. I can totally relate to your posting...some blogs post too much fake emotions and words it make me sick! I love reading your blog...but haven't left a comment in a long time. Shame on me! Will look forward to yoru return and more great reading! Don't let those nasty comments allow you feel have a great blog and some wonderful friends as a result. Lucky you!
woe is me who shall i stalk now.. hehehe. how can i pick on your chair addiction if you are not here, dont let those that have nothing better to do with there time upset you.. i have had enough of blogging, facebook, and the net at the moment. i blog about my life, my family and those i care about. (oh and my addiction to shopping at artbyshannon. :) You need to spend your time with Sam. Treasure the memories. hugs sweets.. Nicole..
Hi Shann! I am hearing you!! I am currently on a bit of a holiday myself. I closed my blog (not because of bloggers) but because I gathered people I actually physically knew were reading my blog - not because they enjoyed it or liked to contribute - but because they were sticky beaks and were judging me. It really annoyed me! I still love blogging but I was concerned about who was actually reading it for the right reasons. I still wake up every morning, grab a cuppa and read everyone's blogs! I just don't have the time thesedays to comment all the time. I am hoping to be back bigger than ever in the New Year!! I still look forward to reading your blog and apologise for not commenting more often. Chat soon xx
hi shannon, i'm hoping this email gets to you. this is my third try =) i received your email about your mom and my lamp shade and have been trying to get ahold of you. please email me! =) thanks, debbie
Wow, had been busy for a few weeks focusing on a drama or 2 or 3 and not visited as often, what in the world happened?
Hope the holidays are good to you and your little man is filling your days full of sunshine as you have done ours.
Painting shabby chic has been as good as meditation the last few weeks, a coat of white paint has at least made life a little prettier. Now bring on those little cupcakes and lets party again.
Hi Shann,
Well I know for a fact that your sweet pinkness is going to be missed around here, hope to see you back real soon, and yes the boys grow up too quickly and then all they need is their Dads so enjoy it while you can.
Cheers Linda
Hi Shannon enjoy your bloggy break. We all need it sometimes.
It is wonderful that not everyone in blogland is a 'pain in the butt'
Look forward to seeing you back next week.
Luv Alison
I just found your blog and its gorgeous. I love all your creativity! xx
Christmas would just not be the same without you! I look forward to you coming back! I have thought about you so much and have prayed for you to feel refreshed!
Talk to you soon~
Missing you Shann!!! Hugs to Sam!
Hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Thinking of you~
You are a lovely person and your blog page is enchanting. You don't need to worry about all the negativity out there, it can't touch you if you don't let it. Don't take on other peoples problems just stay as lovely as you are.
Glad to see you will be coming back. Hope you enjoyed your blog break!
I am busting to see your xmas tree & associated bling, hurry back Shannon! Mel xx
Hi Shann :)
I got your email a while back saying you would be on a blogging break, but I had no idea why until just now reading this. Are there really blogging circles?? I guess even after 8 months, I'm still a newbie.
I hope you know that I would never write anything insincere to anyone. I blog because it's fun and the fact the anyone wants to listen to my jibber jabber is amazing to me LOL I wish I had time to visit everyone all the time, but life gets in the way and that's okay with me ;)
Anyway, I'm glad you're back!
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