Monday, 23 June 2008

GOT MY CREATING HAT ON ! With a little touch of Princess...LOL

Just a quick little HELLOOOOO to all you lovely girls and to tell you im feeling much better now.... Yippeee Skipppy, i was getting tired of being tired and icky. LOL.
My husband thinks i am nutso because even when im sick i cant just sit still or lay in bed and rest....I HAVE TO BE DOING SOMETHING. So last week i tossed the tissues to the side (well not really,they kinda became my best friends for a while there) and covered our bed with LOTSA STUFF to create!

Ive just finished listing everything between My WEBSITE and EBAY...phew it takes a while huh? I am tired now!

Heres a couple of piccies of the goodies ive listed.

There are links to my Website and my Ebay on my sidebar if you are interested.

Oh and while i was busy being sick and creative i decided it was as good a time as any to 'ahemmm, tidy up' all my photos on the pooter.
Good Grief i found some sweeties i had forgotten i ever created!
Check out this Faux Teapot Cake !!

Cute huh?
I think i'll do a post soon of past creations...maybe a little trip down memory lane...Ah yes i can feeling a song coming the corners of my la la...
You get the picture.

Ok lovelies thats it from this lil' pink duck.

I'll be catching up with some much needed blog hopping tonight!

Luv n Pink Kisses (with no germs)
Shann xxxx


Alison Gibbs said...

HI shannon good to see you are feeling better. It is such a pain in the bu-- when we are sick. So frustrating. I thought I was ok now I have a cold that is a doozy!! Have to be ok by Wednesday for my babysitting gig.
It's amazing how many photos we have on the computer - scary really.
Have a great week.

Unknown said...

Hi Shann! SO glad you are feeling better sweetie! Even when sick, your creations are over the top gorgeous!!! I LOVE that teapot cake too!!!!! I need one for my tea and cake themed kitchen!!!

Love ya,

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Oh Shannon you are the

All of your creations are amazing!
Wish you lived closer... I would buy them all!

Glad you are feelin better Lovee!

Have a fun week,

CHERRY HUGZ with pink on top,

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Glad you are feeling better!
I have trouble being still when I am sick too!
You have lots of pretties! :)

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Glad you are feeling better. Your items are so pretty! I have had trouble contacting my swap partner. She doesn't respond to my e-mails. I've sent her package, but havn't received anything yet. I know the shipping takes awhile from UK. Would you send her a line, just in case she's not getting my e-mails.

Sharon said...

Hi Shann,

Glad that you are feeling better :-) Love your newest creations. It is fun looking back on what we used to make - though I think that some of the eighties crafts were dubious :-)


our shabby cottage said...

Oh Shannon,
All of your goodies look so gorgeous! I love the little hutch with the roses down the side. I have one similar down in the shed that I used to play with in my childhood - perhaps I should resurrect it? Mmmm, another thing to do....
Kathryn XX

Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,
I am so glad you are feeling better. You are even creative when you are sick, now that is dedication. Love ya.


nbeltane said...

adore the tea pot cupcake. where you thinking of me when you made that one LOL..

love all your newest creations as always.


The Vintage Vagablonde said...

All I can say is WOW!!!!
I love my goodies.....I got to the bottom and thought I was done and then POP! I could not believe my Sophee-a dressed in a little tutu :)
Shannon, that was the cutest thing I have ever seen and I will cherish it always.
I feel that I was not so creative with your made me so many pretty things.
I will update my blog Tuesday and try to show everyone. I doubt I can capture how cute my stuff really is.
If you have not got your package should be there any day.
It went out priority but in the states that means it will not take more then 2 days. I sent it about 1 week ago.
I so know how you feel now about not receiving your swap other partner did not send anything and has yet to respond to my e-mails. I know she is busy and having some problems but all they have to do is say so, not leave someone hanging. Oh well, your goodies were over the top and I do not even care if I get the other package!
Lots of sweet pink hugs & smoochies to you. Sheri & Sophee-a

Art by Ronda Juniper Ray said...

Good morning, Princess Shannon! :-)) Another wonderful Down Under Dame! You ladies are just spectacular with all your beautiful, artful creations and I'm gonna add you to my list and stop back again and again.

By the way, your teapot cake is adorable!

Thank you so much for stopping by, and of course, I hope you win the bag. Of course, I say that to ALL the girls... :-)))

Warmest regards, Ronda

Connie said...

Sweet cakes, I'm glad you're better! I do the same thing - can't keep still even if under the weather. Gotta keep creatin'!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Cup~Cake... sooooo glad to have you back at 100 percent and no more germs! ~YAY~ I sure did enjoy seeing all of the yummies that you created while not feeling well... bless your heart! You are AMAZING!!

I'm glad you enjoyed my recent posts! I'll see if I can get more pictures of the fuzzies! They can be pretty fast... and I can be pretty s.l.o.w. LOL ...I bet Sam would love an afternoon with them!! And, yes, they really do love oatmeal... well, the 3 young ones... Mocha doesn't care for it, so she gets a lil spoon of peanut butter instead!

Shann... when you pass the Heaven's Child poem along to your friend, Jules, please send a hug and a prayer from me. Thanks Sweetie! OK, off to read more... God bless...

~hugs 'n love~

Anonymous said...

Hi Shann, Glad you are feeling better now! You sure have lots of pretties going on here. You should join us for Pink Saturdays. Thank you for joining me in the garden. :) Lynn

Brittany said...

Hi Shann!! I'm so glad you are feeling some better. As always, your creations are just TOO GORGEOUS!!

Big hugs and snotty,cyber,germ- free smoochies!!

BTW, stop by some time, I gave you a little something for being the queen of creativity!! Even when you have swollen membranes!! Yummy!

The Pink Poodle said...

Hi shannon..thanks for leaving me a message..being new to all LITERALLY MAKES MY DAY!when I receive a new is like a little girl with a lovely new doll/or whatever! your site is GORGEOUS..and having studied law...had a gift shop..THE ONE THING I HAVE ALwAYS..ALWAYS WANTED..more than anything..WAS TO BE ABLE TO PAINT/DRAW.(but missed out on that part of my brain) I ADMIRE your work..LOVE IT..lucky talented you..and yes the water restrictions are a BUMMER!! cheers andrea