Friday, 23 May 2008


Did you bring your spending money girls??
I hope so.
Lets shop!
Oh first of all i have to say PLEASE dont be afraid of O.S shipping...its NOT that scary! Plus my items are only little so really the shipping cost will be like bird feed. So c'mon what are you waiting for??? LOL

Item number one today!
gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous (oh did i mention gorgeous) little metal sugar scoop that i painted up all pretty and sweet. $8.00 plus postage/shipping

Item #2
Time for me to clear out some of my salt and pepper shaker...honestly how many do i need???
This set is sooo pretty! $7.00 plus postage/shipping

Item #3
WooHooo bring back the 80's (i think) with this gorgeous glomesh purse! I love it. My son even wants to keep it ..aww c'mon he's only 5 (well almost). It has a few bumps and blemishes but nothing too bad. $8.00 plus postage/shipping

Item #4 Sweet little heart trinket dish. How pink and dreamy are the roses!
$6.00 plus postage/shipping

To purchase any of these pretties just leave me a comment and email me @ Please be sure to leave a comment as sometimes my email has major dummy spits and doesnt go through.
First in first served!if you'd like me to hold something for you just let me know!

Thanks for popping by and be sure to visit all the other gorgeous ladies who participate as well.There is a link on my sidebar that will take you there.

Before i go id like to thank Polly @ Counting Your Blessings for being our FFM hostess each week and doing a great job for us all. THANKYOU SWEETPEA!

Love and Pink Kisses,
Shann xx


Justabeachkat said...

Just popping by to say hello. So many cute things!


Gail McCormack said...

To many delictable goodies here I think!!!

blessings said...

Bird feed... Pink Kisses... You're too darling!! And I love your painted roses. Mine always are either too round or too defined. Would the OSS be much to send an armoire over for you to paint? =) Seriously, about the shipping.. you're right - small items are not that bad. I've even found that shipping within the US sometimes is just as much as overseas.

Have a great weekend. Blessings... Polly

Karen ~ Cider Antiques said...

Lovely items! I have decided to sign-up for FFM too. What a great idea!

Karen at Ciderantiques

Unknown said...

Gorgeous items Shann! I LOVE those shakers!!


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Shann! Happy FFM!! Wow, I LOVE your new banner! Soooo pretty!

Love & Miss ya!
Angelic Accents

Connie said...

I just viewed your blog for the first time and it's gorgeous!! Love it all. My friend, Stephanie, lead me here. I'm adding you to my blog and wonder if you'd like to add me to yours, sweetpea??? I'll definitely be back!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Shann...
I love swooning over your beautiful creations 'n treasures... so so sooo pretty!

I wanted to thank you so much for visiting my blog the other day, and for the precious comments you left for me. You're truly a dear and you always can make me smile and feel better ~hugs~ I'm so blessed.

Sure do hope that you and your wonderful loved ones are all doing well ~smiles~ I'll be back soon...

~hugs 'n love~

Peta said...

Shann, I WANT that scoop! Please email me with the details! Peta xxx