Friday, 9 May 2008

Pink Icing Inspiration

Not Pink Icing that you can eat...but Pink Icing On The Cake by LeAnn.
LeAnn's blog is one of my absolute favs! I just adore everything about her. So the other day LeAnn had been 'tweaking' the Porch as she called it.LOL. i loved it sooo much and she unknowingly inspired me to get out in the sunshine yesterday and 'Tweak My Porch' as well. My poor ole suffers from neglect because i am always doing up things inside the house instead. Plus my Dad and Sam are constantly trashing my porch so much that i tend to throw my arms up in defeat.

BUT not on this day!Poor porch looking so unloved and basically very squiffy (yep its a word ok).

First things first...take everything off the porch and put it on the lawn to get washed, painted etc etc

Sam said "Are we having a Garage sale Mummy?" Me...sell my chairs?? i dont think so sweetie.
While everythings drying (yep i washed it all, even the concrete) lets play hopskotch up the driveway.

And bring Georgie outside to play in the garden...

Oooh what was that? "I tawt i taw a Lizard."

I let the lizard go...i needed to roll in that dirt so badly.

Ok isnt my Burgandy Iceberg Rose fantastic!

TWEAKING OVER and things are much prettier on the Porch. We even ducked up to the Nursery and bought some punnets of Primulas. Sam and i planted them together. He is definately going to inherit my green thumbs :)
Here they are all ready to thrive in my freshly painted, CANDY STRIPED planter! i just love it.

The chairs got a bit of a tweak too. A fresh coat of paint and some pink fabric on my favourite shabby green chair. This is the sunniest and sweetest corner to sit. Sams chair is right there next to mine.

A comfy and pretty cushion for the wicker chair (Dads cat says Thanks..)

I looooove my wrought iron setting. Ideally id love it in the front garden but i worry someone will pinch it.

I cant wait till the weather is warm again and we can start painting the outside of the house (bye bye brown guttering). Im thinking white with very pale pink trim work.
Oh and i need to do a sign for the house too. Our home is called FAIRY FLOSS COTTAGE (thats cotton candy to you O.S gals)...can you guess why??? *wink*

hmm could it have something to do with all the pink ..maybe....

Oh todays the last day to sign up for My Swap ! So hop to it if you havent already! Thanks to all the girls who have already signed up. I'll be emailing you your partner very soon!

Have a gorgeous weekend ahead and HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all of you for Sunday. I hope you have a fun and beautiful day with your loved ones. Oh and breakfast in bed of course! That goes without saying :)

Big Kisses,
Shann xxoo


Bek said...

You have been a busy little bee. Love what you have done. Hopefully you will get some nice autum days to enjoy it. Everything looks great. Pop over and sign up for my Mothers Day give away:)

Alison Gibbs said...

Oh what lovely sunshine you've had.
Perfect day for 'tweaking' the porch. Love the extra touch of pink you have put in.
Your roses are still looking pretty too.
Have a great weekend

Anonymous said...

You did a great job on the porch, you inspire me. Well, not today, little granddaughters to tend to today, but there is always tomorrow! I hope to spruce up my porch soon. I have the potting soil to plant some pretty flowers, just need the time. thanks for sharing. I signed up already for the swap, I can't wait!

blessings said...

If I didn't half way around the world to crazyville, I might "pinch" it =) Blessings... polly

Unknown said...

Oh my gosh Shannon! We are so alike! I ADORE my porch but am always busy decorating and such inside the house that my poor porch is neglected! I want a Bunny Rose Cottage sign for the outside of my house so badly too! I think your porch looks beautiful! I love the candy striped planter! And what a precious helper you have there :)

Love ya,

Justabeachkat said...

I know, I know...I'm saying it yet again...I'm playing "catch up" with my blog reading. It happens more often than I ever thought possible. But I'm not complaining though. My life is full and happy, so sometimes I get behind.

It's always fun to visit you. You've been busy and it all looks lovely. Great job.


The Vintage Vagablonde said...

I will be over for some pink lemonade and pink cupcakes and we will sit on your "PRETTY IN PINK" porch.
happy Friday :0)

Anonymous said...

Hi Sweet Shann... You and your wonderful lil helper did a super job on your porch! No doubt it's alot of hard work. Ohhh, I loved, loved, loved the giant cup & saucer planter! How whimsical is that?!

Please have a blessed Mother's Day.


P.S. I'm really looking forward to the swap!!

Unknown said...

Hey Shannon, can you come and do my verandah now?? It looks very inviting, with plenty of chairs!Perfect warm spot!
Have a lovely mothers Day!

Anonymous said...

Hi Shann,
I am so happy that I inspired you, I'm glad I inspire someone. LOL!!
Your porch is a beauty to behold, you did an amazing job. Sam looks like he enjoyed helping. Hey, stop by please because I am hosting a Mothers Day Brunch and your presence is definitely requested.

LeAnn :)

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Oh my!! Everything looks so pretty and so welcoming! You did a fabulous job Shan!!

Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Hi Shann! Oh how wonderful everything looks! Love what you are doing to the exterior of your home! Very cozy, comfy! Makes me wanna hop a plane & come have a cup of tea with you on the porch!

Happy Mother's Day, sweetie!

Angelic Accents

{oc cottage} said...

It's so darling...down to the very last detail! Love the colors! What
a spot you have created!!


nbeltane said...

shan i love it. and no i could never see you parting with the chairs. LOL


Katrina Chambers said...

Sorry I haven't been over to say hello for so long!

Your porch (or verandah!) looks very cute. I love getting that bug where you have to change everything.

Happy Mothers Day too!!

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Hey Shann I'm with you - bring back the summer weather. Counting the days until we can really enjoy the great outdoors again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Shannon,
Now that you have finnished doing over your front porch, can I hire you to do mine?!!! It looks lovely, I could just imaging sitting out there sipping a coffee & having a chin wag.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day, I hope you get totally spoilt!
Sarah xx

Lori said...

Shannon, I 've said it a million times I would so love to be neighbors with you! The porch is so gorgeous! You and Sam did a wonderful job!!! If you get a sec, could you pop over I have a big favor for all my friends!!! Much love hon, Lori

Charmingdesigns said...

What a wonderful blog. I enjoyed your pictures.Laurie

Pearl Maple said...

Your porch is looking simply beautiful. What a joy it must be to drive up to your place and see that pretty setting welcoming your guests.

Sorry we need to sit out on the parasol swap, looks like it could be good fun but have a couple of other commitments I need to concentrate on.

Anonymous said...

Oh Shannon, I do hope you are coming to the Mothers Day Brunch and you must bring Coll.

LeAnn :)

Anonymous said...

the porch looks GREAT shann! happy mother's day to you =) debbie

bluemuf said...

I love your front porch do over and a very Happy Mother's Day to you

Hugs Karen

Celestina Marie said...

Shannon your porch looks wonderful. What a cozy and inviting spot to sit and visit this summer. Everything is cottage perfect.
Happy Mother's Day!
Celestina,la rea rose

a Pocket Angel said...

Shannon, What a sweet photo of Sam!
I'd like to wish you a Happy Mother day.
Blessings ~Mary~:-}

Carol Anne's Boutique said...

I want to wish you a very Happy Mother's Day Shann! Your porch looks beautiful & what a dear & sweet little helper you have.
Have the lovelist of days today on Mother's Day!
Carol Anne

Gail McCormack said...

The Porch is looking good! Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day, I bet your trusty assistant served you brekky in bed!

Brittany said...

Oh Da-ling!! Your porch looks mah-ve-lous!! I've missed you terribly! I'm back woo-hoo!!

Hope you had a fabulous Mother's Day with your little assistant!!

Hate I missed your swap, maybe next time!!


Beverley Wainwright said...

I love your porch, photos,planters,lol your blog too ha ha!!
We call your fairy floss - candy floss!! But pink trim on your gutters sounds fab!

love bev x

Unknown said...

Hi Shannon,

Your porch looks so lovely. I'm on my over for some coffee and cookies to sit and relax. LOL Love the sripe painted planter. I've been planting flowers this weekend and am doing more this week. Have a great week!

Rue said...

Hi Shannon :)

I just love LeAnn too :) Your porch looks beautiful!! I would love to be able to have a place to decorate that way.

I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.
rue :)

Country Wishes said...

Porch looks great, roses are divine, cat looks happy, looks like you had a great and very productive day tweaking..

A Romantic Porch said...

Sweet shann, Your porch is so beautiful. I love that cotton candy is called fairy floss there. Have you seen my cotton candy sign on my back porch...well, I'm going to paint it pink...what else? of course. It's raining here, and I've got a bit of free time from my paint the house project and so I've been able to get you added to my favorite blog list. I love visiting with you! xorachel

Secondhandrose said...

Your porch is so pretty. I love the colors on the chairs. I have to paint mine and I'm going for happy colors this time instead of all white. It's only paint...right? Come for a visit.