Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Painting Pretties and Sweet Blog Awards

Before i get into the foofy pink stuff i have to tell you all something. I just enrolled my Sam at Primary School for next year and i wanna cry so bad! I cant believe my lil guy is 5 now and wont be home with me every day next year...boo hoo. What am i going to do all day ??? Well i will probably cry lots and paint lots i think.
*sniff sniff*
I think us poor mummys get the rough end of the deal there dont we :(

OK CHEER UP.....now the foofy stuff..LOL.
remember the Dressing Table i was doing up?


Oh isnt she lurvley now!!! If i didnt already have 2 id be keeping her....but i was brave and have listed her in my Ebay now. I think she's fit for a Princess.
I sooooo love the pink glass knobs. I get all my furniture knobs from the gorgeously sweet Jane @ knobsmacked, id never buy them anywhere else. So if you ever need any pretty draw/door knobs go see Jane and tell her i sent you!

Ive been feeling rosy this week so here are 2 more finished items.
This 'Linens' sign is on my website..

And this Queen Anne side table is in my Ebay..

Shameless plug there hey...LOL

AND THE AWARD GOES TO..............
ME !
Actually 4 awards. WOOOHOOO
I have been slack and kept forgetting about these super sweet awards that have been passed onto me by my gorgeous friends.

From my new friend Kelly who i instantly clicked with! She is just so gorgeous.

From my girl Brittany. I adore her, she is an absolute crack up and sweet as pie.

This one from the sweetest gal ever...Miss Kara. Love you lots 'mum 2 B'.

Last but certainly not least..This one from the gorgeous southern belle Barbara.A sweet and dear friend to me.

Theres no way i can choose just a few girls to pass these awards onto so im throwing confetti and streamers into the air and inviting you all on stage to accept an award.

APPLAUSE APPLAUSE...The crowd goes wild.
Now take a bow, you deserve it (but please keep the speeches short ok) LOL.

Now im off to dance to Hi-5 in the Family Room with Sam.
See what i mean..?? Now how can i possibly dance to Hi-5 all by myself next year? It just wont be the same(but it could be funny to watch).....Oh lordy, someone pass me a tissue PLEASE!

Love n Pink Kisses,

Shann xx

** Oh and dont foget to enter my giveaway below..theres still time **


Anonymous said...

Awwwwwww.... Sweetness.... ~gentle hugs 'n tucking tissues into your hands~ It's never easy when a lil one reaches a milestone and we have to admit they are growing up. And I think it's always hardest on Mom... just take tons of pics on the first day, week, year! As you shed your tears, he will be grinning while thinking of what a "Big Boy" he is, going off to school! It is precious, but hard to do the "letting go" thing!

Loved ALL of your pretties!! Such talent!! And, Congratulations on all of those neat awards! How Exciting for you!! ~cheers~

Please take care and enjoy all of that dancing with Sam... God bless...


candy said...

Hiya Shannon!
That dressing table is soooo pretty! I *love* it!
And your Linens sign that you painted is so precious, I love that too.
I love everything you do!!!!!
Love ya

Holly said...

Hi, Shannon!

I'm following the deco blogging trail and it led me to you! Lovely site- I'm becoming more and more inspired with every blog I visit.

Hey, I don't think I've watched Man from Snowy River 50 times- but close. Question for you: How long was Jessica gone? What time was it when she left the house and what time/day was it when she returned? Every time I watch it, I think I've got it figured out but then...

Holly said...

I forgot to click the "follow up email option" so here I am again to click. :>

Alison Gibbs said...

Shannon just make sure you wear your sunglasses when Sam starts school. They hide the crying eyes so well!!
Love the makeover on the dressing table
Congratulations on your awards.

Linda said...

Hi Shannon,
Sorry I haven't been by for a little while, been busy with school holidays and catching up on some paperwork with the business. Happy belated birthday to Sam and yes they do grow up too fast. Congrats on all of those awards you deserve them you are such a sweetheart to everyone. I would love that beautiful cream table runner if it is still available just let me know. Now I'm off to catch up with everyone else.
Cheers Linda

Connie said...

Okay, sweet shannon chick, I'm getting ready to do our bedroom furniture and need some tips. Go to my blog, click on "visit my home", look at the bedroom and see what I'm up against: headboard (easy), dresser and 2 armoires (not so easy!). Should I prime??? I see you are "rolling" it on: is this best way also? Roller??? Smooth???? What??? I'm so excited to do this to my furniture. But I want to do it properly and not end up divorced, on the "homeless" streets being a bag lady, which will happen if I mess this up and hubs doesn't like it because it looks terrible! Help me to save my 47+ year marriage, sweet cherub!!!

Kim's Treasures said...

Aww! I remember that day when my baby went to school. It was sooo quiet at home, it felt weird! But the good news is...it gets easier! Love all your painted treasures!
Have a great day and enjoy every last day before school starts!

Mrs. Cherry Heart said...

Aw Sam can't leave us.....
We will all miss him!
Our lil man is growing up!!!!

Ouu Shann I love love loooooove ok I really really LOVE that dresser!
I want it!
Can you ship it to the US???? :-)
The pink knobbys are perfect!

And that linens sign is way too sweet!

Luv all your goodies toots!

Hugz and tissues,

Pink Slippers said...

I cried when I realized my 5 year old is suppose to start school in Sept. I could not believe he would be going away for 6 hours a day. SOOOOO I prayed and now I will be homescooling him. Oh no! Now I'm really scared. LOL. Just found your blog today. Love it! Look forward to visiting. Wendy!

Unknown said...

I know just how you feel Shannon! I hate my boys going to school :( We DO get the raw end of the deal for sure!

I love your new pretties! I cant wait until you have more lollipops in your shop :)


our shabby cottage said...

Hi Shannon, the dresser looks fabulous. I love it. Now, school, yes it is hard (my little one went this year) BUT YOU SOON GET OVER IT!!! :0) I have all this lovely time to myself, I sew, blog, read, sew some more, and the list goes on..... So, I predict that you will get LOTS of painting done and the website will be jam packed with lovely painted goodness!!!
You will survive, Kathryn.

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Congrats multi award winner - you deserve them all Shann.

I remember when my youngest went off to school - didn't even give me a backwards glance as she ran off to join the other kids. I, on the other hand crawled off to the local coffee shop with the other crying mummies to sob over our lattes.

Just you wait....by term 2 you will be loving that 6 hours a day you have to yourself. Think of all the painting and pretties you can make.

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Hi sweet lady! What a popular lady you are! You and all your awards!! And deserving of every single one and more!! Your painted pretties are just wonderful...the dressing table looks great and those roses on your linens sign are gorgeous!! I am sure that sweet Sam will miss his Mommy too. It's so hard when they start growing up isn't it! When my sweet grandson visits, he most often does not want to leave so I send him home with a pocket full of Nana Kisses. I tell him that when he thinks of me and misses me to reach in his pocket and get a Nana Kiss and know that I am in his heart and loving him very much. It makes him feel better!

My Petite Maison said...

Hi Shann,
Your items are beautiful - love the vanity so much.

Congratulations on all those awards, now what do you mean - keep the speeches short? Drats - hey I'm getting the confetti in my mouth while trying to talk here!

I feel for you about Sam. Do what I did - I volunteered to be Room Mother and they couldn't get rid of me for the whole year and it was only 8:30 - 10:30 - I'd go home work on my stuff and go back and pick her up at Noon. So what about that? But then the next year was really hard... I'm with you sweets in thought. Do another Hi-5 dance for me, okay?

nbeltane said...

an award is an award and you deserve them all Ms Shan.

OMG will you stop painting things you know my walls are full already have to go shopping again very soon.. :)

Kara said...

oh you are just the cutest friend ever thanks sweetie I needed a smile.
I am in love with that cabinet here is my HUGE sad face :-((((((((( cause you live sooooooo far away I want you here.
oh Sam is getting so big, see you have to move here so you can help me with baby bump

Karen M said...

HI Shannon,

Congrats on the awards.

I remember when my oldest son started to school at age 5. Now he's 25 and married. Time flies. My "baby" is 20. He's in the military and so I've said some tough good-bye's to him.

Life is good and each new phase brings its own special tears and joys.

Have fun dancing!!

By the way....are you going to do the photo challenge on Saturday? If so, drop by my blog and leave a comment. I hope you do.

Unknown said...

Ahh shannon, I remember how hard this is. He'll always be your little guy though. And I love all of your goodies, the dreeser is lovely and congrats on your awards. You deserve everyone of them.

Pearl Maple said...

Congrats on the awards, all well deserved you host a lovely blog.

Anonymous said...

Awwww Shannon, just read this post. We should get together and cry our eyes out....lol...I remember sending my kiddos off to school and now they're starting to leave the nest, unbelievable. Yep, being a mom is not for sissy's ;)
Your dressing table is gorgeous!! OK, wrap it up and send it to DK it would be perfect in my new bedroom!....lol.... Also I'm so in love with your queen Anne table!!
Congrats on your awards you so deserve them!!