Well girls i was going to set the table for all of you to join me for tea but i decided to set it for Sam and i instead....awww...you see my boy started a new pre school yesterday and he is kinda sad about new stuff, making new friends, fitting in etc etc....breaks my heart to see him so sad and crying, so i thought this Tea Party might cheer him up when he gets home!
Ive invited some of Sams 'friends' to join us....oh but his best mate 'Stinky' is with him at pre school for a bit of comfort, so Stinky will have to find a spot on the sofa when they both get home *grin*
Now....onto the sweet stuff !
A sunny spot in the Pretty Room for our Tea Party.....
Sams chair is at the table, all ready for him.....with some friends waiting patiently behind on the sofa.
Yummy we love Fairy Bread and Pink Lemonade Jelly at our house....
Ooooooh baby meringues and pink musk sticks at CAFE' PINK ..LOL !
Looks yummy doesnt it? There is gonna be some serious teeth brushing after this tea party folks, LOL.
Oh we have water in our teacups so it's not too bad *wink*
ok now...all i need is the guest of honour to get this Tea Party started!
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm waiting waiting...............
Oh look heres my boy now !
I think he was surprised and excited!
And being a good best friend he let Stinky have a drink and join in :)
So now our tummys are full (if not a bit queesy also..ick) and we are off to brush all that sugar off our teeth!
Thanks for popping by, maybe next time you can all join Sam and i for a huge Tea Party :)
Thanks again Glenda for hosting. Girls make sure you pop by and visit Glenda, she's a doll!
Shann xxx