Sunday, 20 April 2008

Four score and seven years ago.....

Well not really...but 6 years ago today i married this fella.

Not bad huh? *grin*

Now as husbands go he is pretty great...of course he does do the usual irritating blokey stuff like leaving the toilet seat up (ok only occasionally), leaves his wet towel on the floor, bits of shaven hair in the bathroom sink, doesnt pick up the dog poop as often as i'd like...yadda yadda yadda... BUT then theres the sweet man who loves his family unconditionally, supports me in everything i do and who tells me every day he loves me and that i am beautiful, even when im in my jammies in bed all sick and yuk with bed hair and red nostrils from blowing my nose..ICK.

My hubby is a hard worker and a fighter. For those of you who dont know, Shane is in remission from Hodgekins Disease and we almost lost him several times (You can read his amazing story by clicking HERE and scrolling down a bit to page 3.), so when something like that happens you realise that the annoying things i mentioned before are really not worth all the fuss and bother.
Whats important is right now.

And together we made this precious angel so if thats not worth celebrating then i dont know what is ! :)

So today i say Happy Anniversary Babe to my Best Friend, My Soul Mate.
Heres to many more happy and healthy years Shane...I love you.

Shann :)

Thanks for reading !


bluemuf said...

Hi Shann, Wishing you and your hubby a very happy Anniversary and many more to come.


Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary were the most beautiful bride and that hubby of yours is very handsome, what a sweet couple you are. I had no idea about his illness. I am so happy that he is in remission. So go, what are you waitin for, go celebrate, have fun, enjoy each other......

LeAnn :)

~Becca~Bluebird Rose said...

Happy Anniversary to you both!
What a beautiful bride; loved seeing the photos! :)


Happy Anniversary you guys. We love you both heaps (& Sam of course).
Me & Willow

Gail McCormack said...

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you both!! What a handsome couple you make! Have a wonderful day

Anonymous said...

What precious & loving words for your sweet husband. I hope that this is a special wedding anniversary for both of you. Love is so wonderful, isn't it?!

~throws confetti~

May you have countless more happy & healthy years together. God Bless, always.

~hugs~ Pearl

Alison Gibbs said...

Shannon Happy Anniversary to you and Shane.Hope you had a fabulous day

cheryl.gail said...

Aww Shannon what a gorgeous couple you are. I am so glad that Shane is in remission. I had a few tears welling up reading this post. Wishing you many happy years to come.

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary Shannon! You guys are such a cute couple and you make some pretty cute kids(kid) together. :-). Hope you had a wonderful day and many more.

Becky said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Have many, many more.

The Vintage Vagablonde said...

Shannon and Hubby.....Happy Anniversary! By the way, you were a part of my game too. After I loaded all the pics., I did not see yours. I figured it out because I only did 10 and yours was #11! I will have to post it just for fun so you can see it though.
Have a great Day:)

SweetAnnee said...

Happy Anniversary
What a wonderful family!!

many more, Deena

Anonymous said...

h*a*p*p*y a*n*n*i*v*e*r*s*a*r*y!!! hugs, debbie =) p.s. love your wedding photos, they are gorgeous!

Ele at abitofpinkheaven said...

Happy Anniversary Shann! The wedding photo is just gorgeous! Looks like you have some new things in your shop since I was here last, and a new banner. Looks lovely. Hope you had a great day....and yes, that little boy of yours, what a prize!

Anonymous said...

happy Anniversary guys!! Cannot think of anyone who deserves a great time than you two!! Hugs to you both!!
What a beautiful tribute Shann!!

Bek said...

Happy Anniversary, hope you both had a lovely day and some alone time:) wink. Hope for many many more years together growing old together.

Fete et Fleur said...

How very beautiful you all are! A very Happy Anniversary to you both. Congratulations!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Shann... Hope everything's alright in your corner of the world. Enjoying the Anniversary, no doubt! Please stop by and see me when you can.


You're it!

~hugs~ Pearl

Kara said...

happy anniversary my aussie babe and dude. What a gorgeous couple you are and I know there is a lifetime of happiness still awaiting you.
I never realised the intensity of what you all lived through and it has obviously made in some way your lives just so much better.
Love always

Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary! what a beautiful and happy couple you are! I am so happy you are still together and able to be the happy family you are!

Love you all,


Hi sweetie, just wanted to say I love the new banners (yours & mine). Thanks darlin'.

Mom of 2 Roses said...

Very nice pictures of you guys! Happy Anniversary!


Roxie Morrow said...

Happy Anniversary! Hope you two had a very romantic day. I love hearing about "true love" stories.
I just found your blog and have enjoyed browsing around.

Bek said...

Keep your eyes out for some enchanted items coming your way. They have left Toowoomba and are on their way to you now. Hope you like them:)

Kerryanne @ Shabby Art Boutique said...

Happy Anniversary to a beautiful couple.
May you have many, many more too.

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

Ahh... Happy Anniversary to both of you sweet Shann and Shane.

What a lovely couple! Shann, you're right, don't sweat the small stuff and thank goodness for kind, considerate men.

Love makes the world go round...

Tracie~MyPetiteMaison said...

When you stop celebrating (for the moment...), I posted something on my site for when you break a nail sweetie!

Miss Rhea said...

Yep, he is Hunky. :) Happy Anniversary !!! I hope you have a lifetime of Love and great times together. :)

Anonymous said...

hubbahubba!! hehe Happy anniversary my luuvbug!!! hope you have many many more with the wonderful hubby!!!


A Romantic Porch said...

shann, what a beautiful story! I've been so busy that I'm behind on reading blogs. And I love yours! Happy belated Anniversary to you, you are a beautiful couple. Thank God for more days to love each other! xoRachel

Southern Lady's Vintage said...

Hope your anniversary was awesome! You are a beautiful couple and have a beautiful son! I'd say you are pretty blessed!

Justabeachkat said...

Hi Shannon

Thanks so much for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. I hope you'll come're always welcome. I've enjoyed my visit here. You have such a pretty blog. Happy Anniversary to you and your hubby...I read the article about that scary time...amazing! I KNOW how important it is to have good doctors, nurses and family and friends who love and support you during scary times. Your son is a cutie pit too. I'll be back.


Stephanie ~ Angelic Accents said...

Shann, so sorry I missed your anniversary! Here's wishing the two of you many many more wonderful years & glorious times together!

Big Hugs,
Angelic Accents

candy said...

I love your wedding picture. Sooo pretty! My husband and I were married May 20 (13 years ago) and we only have one child too, a son!
(He's 10)
We have some things in common :)