Some times i think i maybe rave on a bit too much so today can just be EYE CANDY DAY for you all *hee hee*....
So here you are my lovelies
*wink wink*
Sweet handpainted fence pailings.
Butter iced Flowerpot with Roses galore!
Of course some yummy new Faux Cuppies.
Oh so sweet telephone table.
ooooh now lookie here...
whats this....

Well i did say it was EYE CANDY DAY LADIES !
(I tell you these are not in my webstore thats for sure...and do you seriously think i'd sell them???) HA HA HA
Luv Shann xo
Love that eye candy - especially the last couple of pics.
Thanks for visiting my blog and yes Max is superfit and I am the opposite.
A delightful lot of eye candy, I've enjoyed each and every photo!
Once again Shann good to see you back!
beautiful eye~candy!!! ALL of it:) i really love the flowerpot and your cupcakes are just gorgeous!!! the boys ain't too shabby either!!!
Shannon, Gosh darn. Lately I can't get into your comments! Today was my luckie day! Now Sam is like the most funniest little guy! Hum??? Wonder where he got that from?? Maybe next year you could try flour! Lots of great goodies! And that phone table is to die for, sadly the shipping would probably kill me! I'll write later,Love Lori
Shannon, your creations are so sweet! Such great treats at the end, too. Now where is Jude Law's pic? haha.
So glad to see you back and what a sweet way to honor your friend.. by moving on...
Love all your new eye candy... and the last two... I wouldnt sell them either!!
Pardon me as I wipe up drool and slobber from keyboard!!
Much better...You would be selfish like that wouldn't you lol? I want the last "eye candy guy" for myself! But if I had him I wouldn't share with you EITHER!! ;)
LOVE that telephone table and all of your new goodies!
Oh Shann, I am so glad you are back. Eye candy is quite appropriate. I love the fence piece. I will probably be ordering again. Also as for the eye candy, I did not see Patrick Dempsey Shann!!
LeAnn :)
Hi Shann,
I'm just trying to catch up with everyone after being away for a few days, looks like everyone has been so busy crafting, love all of your eye candy I don't think that I would be able to pick between the last two so maybe I will just have to have both. I had to laugh at the powder footprints, kids just grow up too fast don't they nice save though.
I hope you had a wonderful Easter.
Cheers Linda
Wow, the telephone table looks great sweetie. Can I find bargains or what. And sorry, but Johnny Depp is taken.
I LOVE that telephone table (and Johnny Depp).
...and why do you have that other guy's picture? He's not nearly as dreamy as mine and Coll's Alan --- who is he? (OK, he's alright Shann!).
Hi Shannon,
First off, I am sorry for the loss of your friend. Your words about her were very moving & I think by holding your head up & moving on is a beautiful way to show your respect.
Now for the eye candy...very impressive!
Hope you enjoyed your Easter break, loved the bunny footprints & Sam's egg hunt.
Chat soon,
Sarah xx
When I saw your post about "eye candy" I thought it would be about some hideous troll woman.
Then I saw it was just girly stuff and some poofy blokes that aren't half as hot as me.
Hey hun!! Its okay I knew you were having hard times and I emailed you tons but I dont know why it didnt go through. You need to get a flickr account girlie! then we can talk on there haha... love love the little cupcakes there darling and the telephone tabel is soo cute!! I am glad to see you back I missed my aussie friend!!
You have been busy! I love all of your sweet eye candy! I'm thinking I'm needing some cuppies soon!
You have been busy! I love all of your sweet eye candy! I'm thinking I'm needing some cuppies soon!
You have been busy! I love all of your sweet eye candy! I'm thinking I'm needing some cuppies soon!
You have been busy! I love all of your sweet eye candy! I'm thinking I'm needing some cuppies soon!
You have been busy! I love all of your sweet eye candy! I'm thinking I'm needing some cuppies soon!
Hi Shannon,
Love all of your eye candy. My hubby seen me looking at your post with these guys and wanted to know what all of us gals talk about all the time. I told him not to worry about it. LOL Have a good day!
shan, love, love, love all of the things that you have been making. and the other eye candy isnt bad either. :) hugs
You have been a busy lady! Everything is lovely, as usual! You have such talent!
OK I looked on etsy and couldn't find these! Could you please reserve them and mail them to me as soon a possible?
Ok, I just saw a telephone table like that at a charity shop last week and only having a certain amount of cash on me I bought a huge frame instead. Now I am thinking I need to go back there in the morning and hope it is still there. I love it!
I am in love with that cute telephone table! And those painted fence posts are darling!!
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