Well i know mine isnt. So what about yours?
Ive been thinking about 'perfect' homes for a few days, after a customer came to my home to pick up her orders and asked "Is this place a shop?"
Ok now i have to admit i wasn't sure how i felt about that question. I know my customer meant it as a compliment by saying my home was lovely and in her eyes 'perfect'.
But in my mind i thought Geez did she think it looked so perfect that it wasn't 'lived in' ?
I was really really worried about this.
Then i decided that while it may have seemed perfectly in place, this lady didn't see right around the corner far into the family room to all the things that make our home so NOT perfect. LOL.
Like the un-polished, un-sanded floorboards with paint splashes on them from the previous owners.
And the pieces of paper sticky taped to the floor (courtesy of Sam and his vivid imagination) with X marks the spot on them.....
Now how could i possibly rip those up?
I never will.
OR my gorgeous dresser with the bottom doors that keep getting pushed in by the cats because i still cant decide what fabric to keep on them so i haven't secured them down.
Then theres my exercise bike that's sitting in the Family Room. I just have nowhere else for it...and anyway i like to pedal while im watching re-runs of Ally McBeal.
So i concluded that while my house may 'appear perfect', there are those little spots here and there that prove otherwise.
Don't get me wrong i LOVE all the beautiful, glossy homes in the magazines, and yes a few rooms of my home are like that. BUT the Family Room is where all the action is, and on any given day, amongst my pretties and on my new sofas, there are a zillion kids toys, books and drawings by Sam, 5 sleepy and cheeky cats, squished cushions everywhere and ..... MY FAMILY.
And you know what? I wouldn't change any of it for all the money in the world.
What about you?
I wish you all a safe and happy weekend with your families.
We are picnicking on Sunday with my mum and Stepdad....and off to the park to feed the ducks with Sam.
Love Always,
Shann xxx
P.S Maybe next time I'll show you all my messy office.